Cybercriminals specifically targeting finance department email addresses
Nearly 5,000 British finance department email address up for sale on dark web
Nearly 5,000 British finance department email address up for sale on dark web
Government cracks down on large companies stalling on paying small businesses late to preserve cash flow
Half of accountants surveyed being pressured to turn a blind eye
Firms struggling to fill strategic roles as artificial intelligence transforms the workplace
Larger companies are the worst offenders, with just 8% settling invoices by due date
Fraudsters cost businesses an average of £23K when they successfully impersonate suppliers
EY CEO Mark Weinberger says corporations need its multidisciplinary approach when it comes to thorough auditing
Finance directors increasingly leading digital change within companies as their role pivots from accounting
Richard Piper, director at Webloyalty, says finance directors have a key role when it comes to secondary revenue
Liberis CEO Rob Straathof gives his best tips on how to keep your cash flow going