AI-generated CVs ‘lie their way to the shortlist’

young woman facing a recruiter with CV

A study has found that a chatbot lied on average 14 times on CVs to help candidates improve their chances of getting job interviews.

Researchers asked it to enhance 100 real CVs submitted for a specific job listing and then compared them to the originals to identify the extent and nature of modifications made by AI.

A custom tool was developed to screen both sets, assigning scores based on their alignment with the job description. This approach allowed for a direct comparison of the effectiveness of AI enhancements in improving a candidate’s prospects.

The 14 ‘embellishments’ ranged from subtle tweaks in phrasing to significant additions in skills and experiences, raising serious concerns about their authenticity.

The area embellished the most was the candidates’ profile section with seven ‘lies’ followed by key skills with four. Three additions were made to details of professional experience.

Employers are flooded with CVs – but who wrote them?

The primary aim of this research, according to its authors, Oriel partners, was to assess the extent to which AI can modify and enhance CVs and to understand the implications of these changes on the recruitment process.

The findings, they say, are particularly significant in an era where AI tools are becoming increasingly sophisticated and accessible.

They found that the AI-enhanced CVs scored significantly higher on average compared to the originals, suggesting that these embellishments effectively improved candidates’ chances.

In light of these findings, and considering that a recent survey by the tech company Kaspersy, showed more than four in ten applicants would use AI tools to refine their job applications, it’s clear that its role in recruitment is expanding rapidly.

This highlights what they described as the importance for employers to create methods to detect and lessen the effects of resumes created by artificial intelligence.

Olivia Coughtrie, Co-Founder at Oriel Partners said: “It’s extremely concerning” to see what she described as “complete fabrications on CVs. This will make it virtually impossible for employers to screen genuine applicants, meaning more rigorous work will need to be carried out during the interview process to determine the best candidates”.


The Oriel survey in full