How to securely protect your companies data

In our modern technologically advanced age where high-profile cyber-attacks are now the norm on the news, most companies are concerned about hackers getting into their own systems and pinching their data. No matter whether it is customer payment information, employee data or strategic business intelligence, all businesses will have some type of sensitive information. In order to make sure that information is safe, and guarantee that it never becomes public domain, it is imperative to make sure that you protect your company’s sensitive data. If you are worried about your companies’ data being stolen or lost, read on to find out how to securely protect your companies’ data.

Train your employees

Everyone employee that works in your company must completely understand the security policy and why it is so important to them and the company. Teaching your staff everything they need to know doesn’t need to put you out of pocket, it can be incorporated easily into induction processes for new staff, and you can also have refresher session every year to bring existing employees up to speed with any changes – including threats they should be aware of and how to use the collaboration software available.

All it will take is an hour or two every now and then to sit with your employees to explain how security applies to their own role and answer any questions they may have about security. It is important to remember that education and communication within your company are just as important as tools against cybercrime as the computer technology you use to defend your data.

Long passwords

While implementing various network security strategies, businesses are likely to overlook the basic information security errors. In many cases, employees use end up using short and weak passwords to protect data on their desktop and in their system, and end up making all of the data vulnerable to cyber-attacks. It is, therefore, extremely important that you make sure they all improve their password security practices by giving them all security training. Companies can also benefit from the rollout of a password management application.

Security audit

If you are not sure what parts of you companies data is susceptible or what data you have that needs to be protected, you will not be able to secure it as well as you would like, if at all. It is extremely important that you speak to professionals such as Northdoor who is able audit your entire IT infrastructure—computers, network, and mobile devices—to decide what you need to do to stop hackers from gaining access to your network.

Create a strategy to survive the data breach

With hackers creating more and more ways to intrude into the network of an organisation, a fool-proof protection against data breach is almost impossible. Even with widespread awareness and all-inclusive security measures, it’s hard to produce an unfailing network security structure. In case the sensitive information of a company has been hacked, it needs to be able to adopt a planned approach. Once the data information lost in security breach is figured out, the next step should be of changing all affected passwords and contact credit-reporting bureaus and associated financial institutions.

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